This time we will meet on the 25th of April (Tuesday) at 6.00 pm in Gdańsk Park Naukowo-Technologiczny. Meeting will be in Building C, room F, level -1.
> 18.00 - 18.15 Welcome
> 18.15 - 19.00 Rajkiran Singh, QA Accelerators
> 19.00 - 19.45 Mariusz Kiwilsza, Deep dive into EPAM Accelerators
> After - Networking
Rajkiran Singh
Bio: Rajkiran Singh is a seasoned QA professional with over 15 years of experience in leading and delivering results in component, API, and UI automation testing. With a strong understanding of industry-specific testing requirements, Rajkiran has extensive working experience in the retail and banking domains.
Topic: QA Accelerators
Topic description: In this presentation, Rajkiran Singh will share his knowledge and expertise on QA accelerators, including their benefits and how they can help improve testing efficiency and accuracy. By leveraging Rajkiran's insights, attendees will be better equipped to optimise their testing processes and achieve better outcomes.
Mariusz Kiwilsza
Bio: Over 13 years of experience in quality, test automation and performance optimization domains. Gathered knowledge in few companies and several projects, however last years bound up to EPAM.Currently test automation architect and head of quality division in one of the US Sports Betting companies. Moreover, contributes into EPAM Testing Competency Center as a consultant. Interested in playing with challenging tasks. Personally, fan of outdoor activities.
Topic: Deep dive into EPAM Accelerators.
Topic description: Let's speed up your work and use baked and advanced solutions. Accelerator's capabilities covered through code examples and live demos.
Join our meeting!
- Facebook https://fb.me/e/LgXrkolG
- LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/events/3qa-59-meetupwithepam7048993218377449472/comments/
Want to be a Speaker?! https://trojqa.pl/zglos-swoje-wystapienie/
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3QA jest społecznością zorientowaną na szeroko rozumianą JAKOŚĆ w IT - dotyczącą zarówno firm, produktów, sposobów zarządzania czy myślenia, ale również konkretnych jednostek i zespołów.
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Każdy z nas tworzy społeczność i wszyscy mamy prawo w niej działać, wpływać na jej kształt oraz z niej korzystać.
Trzy Lipy 3, Gdańsk