Success factors in Switzerland
28 Maja 2020, 12:30 (Czwartek)

[English below]
Zapraszamy na kolejne wydarzenie przygotowujące na wejście na nowe rynki - tym razem skupimy się na rynku szwajcarskim!
Wraz z Polsko-Szwajcarską Izbą Gospodarczą oraz Swiss Business Hub Central Europe organizujemy specjalny webinar, który odbędzie się już 28 maja o godzinie 12:30 - nie zabraknie gości z Zurichu oraz perspektyw polskich firm, które współpracują z klientem szwajcarskim. Dowiecie się także jak wygląda szwajcarskie środowisko start'up'ów i IT oraz jak rozwija się sytuacja w obecnym czasie koronawirusa.
Agenda spotkania:
1. Philip Morger, Consultant Internationalization Starters, Switzerland Global Enterprise
5 Things you should know about the Swiss Start-Up Ecosystem
2. Piotr Beling, Director of Industry 4.0 - Digital Solutions BU at Spyrosoft S.A.
What to expect when building business relationships with Swiss companies representatives.
2. Remigiusz Efinowicz, Managing Partner, Executive Director for International Sales at Hicron.
How to take lead in the tight IT corner? Tips on how to set up business in Switzerland based on Hicron experiences.
Wydarzenie w języku angielskim dedykowane dla członków SoDA oraz członków Polsko - Szwajcarskiej Izby Gospodarczej i Swiss Business Hub Central Europe.
We're happy to invite you for the next event aiming at preparing the companies for entering the new markets - this time we will focus on the Swiss market!
Together with Polish - Swiss Chamber of Commerce and and Swiss Business Hub Central Europe, we co-organise a special webinar which will take place on the 28th of May at 12:30 and will last 1,5 hour.
There will be both guests from Zurich and the view from the Polish companies that work with Swiss clients. You'll also get better knowledge about the star'up environment in Switzerland and what is the current situation during the crisis of coronavirus.
Meeting agenda :
1. Philip Morger, Consultant Internationalization Starters, Switzerland Global Enterprise
5 Things you should know about the Swiss Start-Up Ecosystem
2. Piotr Beling, Director of Industry 4.0 - Digital Solutions BU at Spyrosoft S.A.
What to expect when building business relationships with Swiss companies representatives.
2. Remigiusz Efinowicz, Managing Partner, Executive Director for International Sales at Hicron.
How to take lead in the tight IT corner? Tips on how to set up business in Switzerland based on Hicron experiences.
The event will be held in English and is dedicated to the members of SoDA, Polish - Swiss Chamber of Commerce and Swiss Business Hub Central Europe.