Tech MeetUp: Modern Frontend development

13 Października 2021, 16:00-17:15 (środa)

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  Tech MeetUp: Modern Frontend development
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Curious to see what Modern Frontend development is?

Join us Wednesday, October 13th at 4 PM for a special 1 hour Tech MeetUp on Modern Frontend development.

Modern web applications are getting bigger and becoming much more complex software products than they were before. To mitigate the risk of complexity engineers are expected to find new ways of designing web apps and cooperating on the implementation. During the work on CommandCentral cloud suite MSI web development team was able to try and learn how to address those risks.

During the event we will address 2 topics:

"Micro-frontends in practice"

Speaker: Bartłomiej Olejak

Synopsis: Today, the micro-frontends architecture seems to be the perfect solution to accelerate the development of complex web applications. However, this is not always the case. I would like to present our journey towards micro frontends, show what we learned, how we resolved technical and organizational roadblocks and tell you about the cases were microfrontends shine and where and why should be avoided.

Bartek is one of the architects working on the CommandCentral suite. He has 16 years of software development experience. The last 6 years have been building the web applications and cloud services.

"Scale & Collaboration - Growing an "Open Source Internal" design system at scale"

Speaker: Scott Arnold

Synopsis: Our Design System has a small central team helping connect designers and developers across the company - to build this at scale (for an enterprise application), we've put some collaborative processes in place to help drive successful engagement.

Scott leads the Design Systems team at Motorola Solutions; a cross-functional group of designers and developers whose role is to build out the infrastructure supporting front end alignment across products, organizations and platforms.

After each presentation you will have a chance to ask the question

We hope you'll find valuable our experience on the topic

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