Cloud and Data Meetup Kraków

23 Października 2024, 18:00 (środa)

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  Rodzaj Bilety dostępne do Liczba
  Bilet bezpłatny
23 Października 2024, 18:00

Data: 23 października 2024 roku, godz. 18:00
🔵Miejsce: HEVRE, ul. Meiselsa 18, Kraków

Zapraszamy na wydarzenie Cloud and Data Meetup Kraków, które odbędzie się już 23 października 2024 roku w HEVRE przy ul. Meiselsa 18 w Krakowie.

Wydarzenie zrzesza pasjonatów: Cloud, AI, Big Data i Java.

Uczestnictwo w spotkaniu jest bezpłatne dla uczestników zapisanych przez Evenea.


17:30 - 18:00 Rejestracja uczestników, sprawdzenie biletów na I. piętrze
18:00 - 18:15 Otwarcie wydarzenia i przywitanie uczestników
18:15 - 19:00 Prezentacja nr 1: MEGDP - Modern Data Platform - Ievgenii Korniichuk, Filip Adamski
19:00 - 19:10 Przerwa
19:10 - 19:55 Prezentacja nr 2: AI Democratization by Microsoft and DatabricksMaciej Rubczyński
20:00 Networking przy napojach i pizzy


MEGDP - Modern Data Platform - Ievgenii Korniichuk, Filip Adamski
How to build a modern data platform? In this presentation we will show you the building blocks of the MEGDP, with special focus on their utility. Standardization, high flexibility due to release model, and custom developer experience focused tooling are only some of the approaches we employ to make working with data a smooth experience. Come to our talk to see it all come together in one platform - including a glance at our new development environment software.

AI Democratization by Microsoft and Databricks - Maciej Rubczyński
The popularity of topics related to Artificial Intelligence is leading to even greater availability of ready-made AI services. From a data analyst's perspective, access to new capabilities is also becoming faster and more convenient. During the session, we will compare and test the approaches of two significant players in the data market towards the democratization and dissemination of AI. We will demonstrate how to leverage the benefits of models directly from SQL and Python queries within Databricks and Fabric, using ai_query and built-in Artificial Intelligence models, without deploying additional services.


+ Ievgenii Korniichuk
Eugene is a tech lead in MEGDP @ UBS, with 11 years of experience, designing tools and frameworks that allows multiple integration scenarios for tenants within internal Data Mesh for bank data market. Before UBS he was working with fast data from IoT and multiuser mobile platforms, games and airfare, actively participating in UBS engineering culture on Certified and Distinguished Engineers program, continuous speaker in internal Tech Conf.

+ Filip Adamski
Filip is a senior tech engineer. Over last 19 years he has written thousands lines of code in telecom, travel, insurance and banking domains and still is having fun making code more and more beautiful. Since he joined the project of platform migration from On Prem solution to the Azure Cloud, he is actively using Spark, Azure, Databricks, internal Data Mesh solution to settle the golden source of reporting data tool for the whole joined bank. Before UBS, he was leading software teams developing microservices and event driven architecture projects.

+ Maciej Rubczyński
Head of Development and Big Data & AI Solutions Architect at TIDK, where he is part of a talented team dedicated to implementing cutting-edge data solutions. His professional journey is deeply intertwined with modern technologies and innovations in the field of data and AI, as reflected in his current projects and research endeavors. In his professional role, he emphasizes the use of cloud-based solutions, underscored by certifications in both Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform. This knowledge and experience enable him to design and implement scalable, secure, and efficient data-driven systems.



1. Prosimy aby na wydarzenie rejestrowały się jedynie osoby, które są pewne, że będą mogły wziąć udział.
2. Sprawdzenie biletów odbywa się na I. piętrze  budynku HEVRE w godzinach 17:30 - 18:00. Po sprawdzeniu biletu należy postępować zgodnie z wskazaniami Organizatora lub administratora budynku.
3. Po godzinie 18:00 nie będzie możliwości dołączenia do wydarzenia. Prosimy o punktualność.
4. Przebywając na obiekcie prosimy o stosowanie się do instrukcji organizatora, administratora budynku oraz pracowników firmy UBS.


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konferencje wydarzenia Kraków