DevOpsDays Warsaw 2020
18 November 2020, 09:00 (Wednesday) - 19 November 2020, 18:00 (Thursday)

The largest DevOps conference in Poland returns - this time in a virtual form!
Don't be late - the IT world is changing every day and we will show you how to be always up to date!
We have prepared for you two days full of lectures, Ignite Talks and Open Spaces. A cool atmosphere, international company and the latest solutions that will improve your work - this is DevOpsDays Warsaw!
Now without leaving home, completely safe and sound.
Join us and discover the power of DevOps!
Every DevOpsDays Warsaw ticket includes:
- full access to live streaming (18th and 19th November),
- possibility to sign up for free online workshops,
- participation in Open Spaces,
- Gift pack* delivered straight to your home. Inside you will find:
- hoodie with the DOD WAW logo
- beer mug prepared especially for DOD WAW participants
- more surprises yet to come! ;)
- Invitation to the stationary afterparty in Warsaw, free beer on site for the first people (+18 of course!) **
DevOpsDays is an international and well-known conference. Participation in DevOpsDays Warsaw is a perfect opportunity to expand your professional horizons, get valuable business contacts from the whole world, learn more from the DevOps field and have fun in the best company. DevOpsDays Warsaw brings together leaders in Software Development and IT Operations to collaborate and learn from each other. It's both a technical conference and a conference focusing on culture, processes and structure within organizations. We encourage both technologists and business people to attend, learn and share experiences. Feel invited for two days full of substantive lectures from the DevOps field and great fun in the best company. We invite everyone from Europe and outside to participate and to become our speakers.
Stay tuned and follow us on our Facebook and Twitter profiles!
* Does not apply to student tickets. Gift pack will be delivered after the conference.
** Depends on the current restrictions regarding pandemic.