J/vacon - Online J/va Meetup #1

28 Kwietnia 2020, 18:00 (Wtorek)

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⏱ Data: 28 kwietnia 2020 roku, godz. 18:00
🔵 Miejsce: Internet (każda osoba, która zarejestruj się na wydarzenie otrzyma link do transmisji o godzinie 15:00 w dniu 28 kwietnia 2020).

Zapraszamy na wydarzenie J/vacon - Online J/va Meetup #1, które odbędzie się już 28 kwietnia 2020 o godzinie 18:00 w Internecie w formie transmisji online.

Wydarzenie zrzesza pasjonatów Java.

Uczestnictwo w spotkaniu jest bezpłatne, ale wymagana jest rejestracja.


➡ 15:00 - Wysyłamy link do transmisji zarejestrowanym uczestnikom.
➡ 18:00 - Start prezentacji: Docker in the Java Uniwerse: Good, Bad or Both? - Michał Kordas
➡ Q&A - Pytania do prelegenta


Docker in the Java Uniwerse: Good, Bad or Both? - Michał Kordas
Java has always been advertised as a fully platform-independent language. "Write Once, Run Anywhere!" they said. Language and JVM are well-specified. With Maven and Gradle we got the standard ways of managing entire lifecycles of applications from compilation to releases and publications. Each process has it's own JVM with isolated memory. We can run as many apps on a single machine as we want. Sounds perfect, right? In recent years Docker has come to the market to enable portability, isolation, and to introduce standardization of application packages. However, we already have all of that in the Java universe! Why would we need yet another tool that does not even provide cross-platform compatibility? Sounds crazy, right? Or not?


+ Michał Kordas
I'm a quality maniac with passion for Java, Groovy, JVM and fancy tools that automatically enforce quality and help test code in smart, fluent, and expressive ways. I love bringing feedback loops to the micro-level, and my main area of interest is agile testing. For last 5 years I have been working for UBS as a fully cross-functional member of a strongly agile team as a "quality guardian" with a particular focus on well-written code, solid requirements, and efficient processes. I believe that being a truly good QA is not only about having testing-related skills. It's also about being software engineer with all the knowledge necessary to deliver production code of the highest possible quality. Besides day work I'm also a contributor to the open-source tools related to code style and I train people in Java and Agile.


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Zajmie Ci to tylko 1 minutę a nagroda jest zacna (poniżej zdjęcie poglądowe).
Biorę udział w konkursie: https://career.luxoft.com/lp/luxoft-jar-quiz/


Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/pl-PL/jcon-womentechstyle-pytech/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jvaconpoland/


+ Sponsor Główny: Luxoft (www.luxoft.com)


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