21 Listopada 2020, 08:00 (Sobota) - 6 Grudnia 2020, 11:00 (Niedziela)
"Ready for the New Decade"
3 Weeks life mastery series online retreat with Master Yu & SooJin's Guidance & Energy Transmission of ISM* Body/Soul Training
"There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophy." —Friedrich Nietzsche
Nov 21, 22 & 28, 29 and Dec 5, 6 (6 days)
8:00 - 11:00 (Warsaw Time)
Online (ZOOM)
* Live your gifts of life; The Having, Loving and Knowing
* Feel the Realness of the Full Devine Partnership of your Inner Greatness
* Ancient and Proven Strategies and Extraordinary Transformations for Personal/Organizational
Effectiveness, Abundance & Well-Being in All Dimensions.
* Ultimate/Leading edge Resolution Method in Full Creative Leadership. * Bring Fulfillment on your life Projects & Business.
This is "An Invitation from our Inner Space Partnership" for you! It has been amazing 2020, with past decade growth, fulfilment and realization. You have newer and faster ways to help people integrate physically, and transform mentally, emotionally, and spiritually with the partnership of your inner space. We all get to know better and better the power of it and ISM. It is great time to dismantle many layers of debilitating beliefs and conditionings that compromise your freedom and happiness for the new decade of your expansion and glory.
ISM invites us through a three-fold approach, which involves:
- ISM Methodology (Integral Somatic Method) for your resolution at the very life moment.
- ISM Meditation (Inner Space Meditation) into Wholeness; Inner Space of Being.
- ISM Message (Inner Spirituality), Personal Sovereignty, which is foundation genuine well being in all dimension.
Master Yu and SooJin have been in lifelong devotion on personal growth and human perfection/potential. ISM is complete re-interpretation of ancient wisdoms from the perspective of well-being of the whole, how to genuinely take care of yourself and all, and being truly responsible as a genuine creator master and leader of your life and world.
ISM Body/Soul Training is a completely new and revolutionary, which is not derived from any other modality known today. It is to the point, and utterly practical, this bull's eye light-speed method meets the needs and challenges of modern-day men and women who seek way on personal, organizational efficiency, clarity and ultimate well-being.
It is the time of harvesting all your realization and inner/outer fulfillments and ready for the new decade! We welcome you to see, feel and live your full greatness, completeness, grace, majesty and sacredness as you fully align with your inner space of wholeness, which enables the true creatorship, mastership and leadership over your body, heart/mind, life, projects and your world.
This training will bring maps and guidance to you to live with your truth space, natural space, original space, the 'Inner Space' of wholeness. It is about how to thrive with this source of all your incomparable beauty, value, meaning, power, authenticity and magnificence. And your Inner Space is the only space for your full integration and nourishment on your destiny of creative human genius and your full creative potential.
By sync with our Inner Space and living continuous its guidance and support, this means that every part of you is now available to live your destiny fully with no resistance, fear or self-sabotage. Once you have reached this sync, the unfolding of your destiny can be more graceful and totally effortless.
These dynamic workshops are a caring, inspirational, and educational environment for generating breakthroughs in the most crucial aspects of your life. Whether you're a long time in personal quest or just begin to realize the power of your Being, this training will significantly fast-forward your transformation that gives you peace, clarity, and abundance in all dimensions.
Working with Master Yu & SooJin's ISM is like having a map and compass that you can direct exactly what you need to transform into inner peace, clarity, and joy. It gives you the tools and inspiration to move to the next phase of life fulfillment and actualization. It is one of the most simple, evolved method to be in Authenticity, Happiness, Ultimate Freedom.
During this gathering, you will discover how to...
- Engage each day with renewed purpose, vigor, inner exuberance, because you know exactly who you are, why you're here, and that you matter to the world.
- Illuminate the hidden influences and blind spots that sabotage your development and hold you back from achieving the highest visions for yourself and your life.
- Break through self-imposed and collective conditionings and find your true inner power.
- Free yourself from chronic ailments (high blood pressure, insomnia, chronic pain, low energy etc) and be fully healthy and joyful.
- Transform stress, loneliness, insecurity, and depression, and experience inner greatness knowing you're never alone, always supported, anddeeply connected to the Source.
- Have clear connection to your own inner feminine and masculine essence and inner guidance.
- Experience deeper, more fulfilling relationships, because your new clarity and awareness will attract and create positive interactions with everyone around you.
And more deep level to
- Re-awake energetic leadership of your life and world.
- Awake inner teacher & leader with ISM as "The Art of Ultimate Well-Being"
- Continuously expand and practice mastery of transformation in health, beauty, relationship, family life, work, project, business, material andspiritual life.
- Experience & Learn how we can apply ISM not only for our health and well being but also ever lasting peace, clarity and abundance in alldimensions.
ISM Training includes the physical body and its energy system as a domain of learning, understanding, awakening, integrating, bringing resolutions and fulfillments. Our meetings include light movements, guided meditation, interactive exercises and inspirational talks. Our bodies are our energetic vehicles in this life as each body supports a different state of being and consciousness., this is an invitation for you to become a beacon (lighthouse) in your world. Your presence shines a light that brings your fulfillments and success.
Master Yu, Jae-Sheen (Co-Founder of ISM, Founder of Sundao, Teacher)
Master Yu, Jae Sheen is known as one of the most innovative and dynamic meditation teacher, and author of books, including "Sundao - An invitation to mountain Daoist practice".After over 30 years of sharing his knowledge and meetings with thousands of people in the western countries, Master Yu created a groundbreaking well- being program, Sundao; ISM with unique and complete re-interpretation on ancient of mountain Daoism, Buddhism and with the spiritual understanding of oriental medicine, which offers a practical solution for spontaneous healing and the embodied transformation of consciousness for individuals, society, and the planet.He began his personal quest and spiritual journey at age 9, under the guidance of great teachers including his grandfather who taught him the value of inner qualities and genuine energetic leadership. During years of focused meditation and intense training, he was blessed with many profound experiences that led him to the "ultimate" experience, and realized that the spirit of Inner Space is 'Pure Benefits' to his own life and to the world. Also, got clear understanding that all awakened people point to: We are not our body, mind, pain, and suffering, but rather, we are a manifestation of eternal presence, love, and consciousness.
After arriving in the United States in 1998, he opened practices in California and Arizona, USA. He travels internationally, offering workshops, personal meetings and retreats to individuals and organizations. With his lively, enthusiastic teaching style, he illuminates the deeper principles and underlying wisdom of the ancient arts and philosophy. He lives in North Scottsdale, Arizona USA.
About Soojin Kim
SooJin Kim, a co-founder of ISM (Integral Somatic Method/ Inner Space Meditation and Music), is wholeheartedly support people living healthier, happier, and more creative lives that fully express the beauty of individuality and connected with ones true essence.Since 1999 she has been sharing practical guidance, meditation and music throughout the world including United States, European countries, Russia and South Korea.
Now she travels internationally conducting retreats, workshops, and trainings with her beloved husband, founder of Sundao; ISM, Master Yu, Jae-Sheen.Her intense inward journey started after the serious injury she had while continued studying music in Germany. She was desperately finding the solution for severe physical pain from the partially paralyzed body. After trying different medical supports including western and eastern, she began to explore integrative ways of approach and discovered the ancient healing arts and meditations which benefited her immensely. A profound inner transformation and experiences radically changed her health and the way to see her life and the world. Concentrated practice accelerated recovery and opened up the innate gifts within.
She naturally began to help others as well.As a classically- trained violinist, her soulful music is also dedicated to helping others to connect with their own hearts, where unconditional love and authentic power reside."It's such a great joy to share love with countless people around the world, and witness them to experience greater fulfillment in their lives. I am so grateful for this journey. My inspiration is to empower everyone, as the master of their life to take responsibility for their own happiness. The most important value for my husband and me is 'Pure Benefits' to others and ourselves. This is the profound awakening what we deeply realized through meditation and trainings, so we keep it alive and real as we live it."
Retreat counts 18 hours towards Sundao Facilitator Certification; ISM *
* Sundao facilitator certification; ISM requires a minimum of 40 hours of annual CEU (continuing education units) training with Master Yu.