Quality & SJSI: Measure the maturity of your testing processes via survey
24 Stycznia 2022, 17:00 (Poniedziałek)

Webinar SJSI - TMMi#2
Temat webinaru to: Quality & SJSI: Measure the maturity of your testing processes via survey
Zapraszamy na drugi webinar SJSI o TMMi, który odbędzie się już 24 stycznia 2022 r. o godzinie 17:00. Spotkanie będzie transmitowane Live również przez Facebook Stowarzyszenia Jakości Systemów Informatycznych. Poniżej znajdziecie informacje o czym będzie można posłuchać podczas webinaru oraz kto będzie ujawniał tajniki wiedzy o TMMi
Link do webinaru: https://zoom.us/j/94359310454
Link do regulaminu: https://sjsi.org/regulamin-swiadczenia-uslugi-webinaru
Link do ankiety używanej w trakcie webinaru: https://survey.alchemer.com/s3/4810755/1c5068473c21
Gośćmi webinaru będą Przemysław Kwiatkowski oraz Simon Frankish i Martin Adcock - dwaj doświadczeni Lead Assesorzy TMMi, którzy na co dzień pracują dla Experimentus'a - światowego lidera w dostarczaniu usług TMMi.
Przemek, Simon i Martin pokażą jak wykorzystać ankietę badania dojrzałości TMMi w praktyce - jakie korzyści może przynieść organizacji poznanie swoich mocnych i słabszych stron oraz, że podniesienie poziomu dojrzałości w wcale nie musi być takie trudne, kiedy ma się dobre wskazówki.
Podczas webinaru zobaczysz case study na przykładzie prawdziwej organizacji z sektora Healthcare, która wypełniła ankietę. Simon Martin i Przemek omówią poszczególne elementy ankiety, jej wyniki i pokażą, w jaki sposób może ona być przydatna i przynieść wymierne korzyści dla organizacji.
Będzie to także doskonała okazja do zadania pytań związanych z TMMi i procesem audytu, jego praktykami i długością trwania oraz innymi aspektami doświadczonym audytorom.
Serdecznie zapraszamy!
The webinar will be hosted by Przemysław Kwiatkowski, Simon Frankish and Martin Adcock - two experienced TMMi Lead Assessors who work for Experimentus - the world's leading provider of TMMi services.
Przemysław, Simon and Martin will show how to use the TMMi maturity survey in practice - how organisations can benefit from knowing their strengths and weaknesses and that raising the maturity level doesn't have to be so difficult when you have good guidance.
During the webinar you will see a case study of a real organisation from the Healthcare sector that has completed a questionnaire . Simon Martin and Przemek will discuss the different elements of the survey, the results and show how it can be useful and bring tangible benefits to an organisation.
It will also be an excellent opportunity to ask questions related to TMMi and the audit process, its practices and duration and other aspects to experienced auditors.
You are cordially invited!
Martin Adcock is one of the founders and Managing Director for Experimentus and since starting the UK based software testing consultancy organisation in 2004 was keen to ensure they had a consistent approach to supporting organisation with their software testing challenges. We were delighted to get involved with the TMMi Foundation when it was first formed and over the last 14 years have developed our own TMMi training and assessment model, which we now use to support organisations worldwide. Our TMMi solutions are delivered through our Test Process Improvement practice and we also specialise in Test Environment solutions to support our clients worldwide.
Simon Frankish has been working in software testing for over thirty years and has worked in most test roles in that time. For the last fifteen years he has specialised in test process improvement, both as a consultant and in senior in-house roles. He now works for Experimentus (the world's leading TMMi service providers) in the UK, heading up their test process improvement division and has a seat on the UK and Ireland Testing Board with responsibility for promoting the Test Maturity Model integration (TMMi) through his leadership of the TMMi UK Local Chapter. Simon is an accredited TMMi Lead Assessor and has travelled worldwide helping clients to achieve their test process improvement goals.
Przemysław Kwiatkowski - Certified Test Analyst and Test Manager. He came of age in computer systems quality assurance. Gained experience in projects for the industry including Banking, Energy, Infrastructure for Polish and European science (Ministry of Science, NCBiR, Ministry of Digitalisation). He took part in system quality assurance of one of the leading civil aviation companies. Currently involved in improving the test process in an international company from the Human Data Science sector providing IT solutions to pharmaceutical concerns all over the world.