14 Listopada 2018, 09:00-17:00 (środa)

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  Rodzaj Bilety dostępne do Cena Liczba
Learn how to master Redux-style state management with ngrx/store and ngrx/effects. This workshop covers the concepts of state management, and its implementation with Angular. We’ll be exploring architectural patterns and how we can integrate ngrx to achieve effective and maintainable state management. Ultimate Workshop - NGRX (Todd Motto)

Learn how to master Redux-style state management with ngrx/store and ngrx/effects. This workshop covers the concepts of state management, and its implementation with Angular. We’ll be exploring architectural patterns and how we can integrate ngrx to achieve effective and maintainable state management.

Wyprzedane 1 107,00 zł Wyprzedane
During this workshop, we will implement a complete solution from scratch on top a full JavaScript stack using Angular as our frontend framework and NestJS as the backend. We will learn how to design, structure and build a fully functional application using the latest tools and real-world practices... Full-stack JS for Angular developers Master Class (Kamil Myśliwiec)

During this workshop, we will implement a complete solution from scratch on top a full JavaScript stack using Angular as our frontend framework and NestJS as the backend. We will learn how to design, structure and build a fully functional application using the latest tools and real-world practices...

Wyprzedane 1 107,00 zł Wyprzedane
Are you an Angular developer who always wanted to build an iOS or Android app? Good news! NativeScript is a free and open-source runtime for building native apps with skills you already have - Angular, TypeScript, CSS, and npm... Building native mobile apps with Angular and NativeScript (Sebastian Witalec)

Are you an Angular developer who always wanted to build an iOS or Android app? Good news! NativeScript is a free and open-source runtime for building native apps with skills you already have - Angular, TypeScript, CSS, and npm...

Wyprzedane 1 107,00 zł Wyprzedane
RxJs is more popular than ever. It is backed into the Angular core and also used in frameworks like React, Vue, and others! This doesn't surprise as it leverages a powerful and elegant way to work with sync as well as async collections... Advanced RxJS Master Class (Michael Hladky)

RxJs is more popular than ever. It is backed into the Angular core and also used in frameworks like React, Vue, and others! This doesn't surprise as it leverages a powerful and elegant way to work with sync as well as async collections...

Wyprzedane 1 107,00 zł Wyprzedane
During this workshop we'll learn Functional Programming by coding. It's perfect for developers who want to dive deeper into the key principles of FP JS Functional Programming Master Class (Tomasz Ducin)

During this workshop we'll learn Functional Programming by coding. It's perfect for developers who want to dive deeper into the key principles of FP

Wyprzedane 1 107,00 zł Wyprzedane
In this interactive seminar you will develop a critical understanding for planning and implementing large enterprise applications with Angular. You will explore and work with approaches to structure huge applications like npm packages, the Mono Repo Approach and Micro Apps... Angular Workshop: Architectures for Enterprise Applications (Manfred Steyer)

In this interactive seminar you will develop a critical understanding for planning and implementing large enterprise applications with Angular. You will explore and work with approaches to structure huge applications like npm packages, the Mono Repo Approach and Micro Apps...

Wyprzedane 1 107,00 zł Wyprzedane

Our workshops take place on November 14

Each is a full day - 9:00 to 17:00. Please bring your own laptop, and note that workshop and conference tickets are sold separately

Find all details on our websites &

*Offer valid while stocks last*

If you have any problems with payments please contact us: [email protected]

Zobacz również:

szkolenia Angular Developerzy IT Nowe technologie Podstawy programowania Technologia wydarzenia Warsaw