PTaQ LVII - invitation

20 Listopada 2018, 18:00 (Wtorek)

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  PTaQ LVII - bilet
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We would like to invite you to the 57th PTaQ Group meetup. This time we will meet at Netguru Office

When? 20th of November 2018, 18:00

Where? Netguru,Wojskowa 6, 60-792 Poznań

What Language? The whole meetup will be in English

By registering to the meetup you accept the attached terms & conditions


  1. Make E2E testing great again!, Vivek Patel
  2. The crimes against testability, Bruno Mańczak

More details:

  1. Make E2E testing great again! End-to-end testing is one of the most useful step in the application development pipeline. It is also one of the most ignored paradigm in this process. How did we get here?Thanks to Cypress.js, E2E testing is finally ready to come out of shadows. I'll go over the need of E2E tests, explain why I think Cypress has potential to change the world of E2E testing and how fun it is to write E2E tests using this library!

About Vivek:Vivek is a senior frontend developer and team leader at Netguru where he exploits a diverse set of frontend frameworks, libraries and tools to build beautiful software for startups around the world. In his free time, Vivek likes to run, play billiards and enjoy a good beer.

2. The crimes against testability

Usually, it sounds like a good idea to evaluate your product before a release. If we want to release better software faster, then making testing easier and faster might sound reasonable as well. This is the essence of testability. When thinking about it you might be tempted to focus on what we call "intrinsic testability", e.g. writing clean code or improving software logging. But is it all? Are we paying attention to the all relevant areas?

About Bruno:

Bruno is a QA Manager at Netguru. He got into QA by passion but he is a Psychologist and Cognitive Scientist by education. Currently, he leads a continuously growing team of full stack Quality Assurance Specialists at Netguru and oversees quality in a wide variety of projects: Web, Mobile, IoT, Machine Learning. He advocates for continuous delivery, continuous improvement and plans any QA activities using Thinking-Driven Testing.

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szkolenia Język angielski Meetup Testowanie wydarzenia Poznań