Języki programowania IT i Nowe technologie Polityka i Gospodarka

AlleKwanty: o komputerach przyszłości, które na Allegro dopiero będą mieć

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Allegro Office - Norblin Factory ul. Żelazna 51/53, Warszawa
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Od 16 maj 18:00 do 16 maj 20:30

Allegro Tech to miejsce, w którym nasi inżynierowie dzielą się wiedzą oraz case study z wybranych projektów w firmie - w formie artykułów, podcastów oraz eventów. Tym razem przygotowaliśmy dla Was coś wyjątkowego! 

Już 16 maja o godz. 18.00 w biurze Allegro w Warszawie odbędzie się meetup: AlleKwanty: o komputerach przyszłości, które na Allegro dopiero będą mieć z udziałem gości specjalnych. Spotkamy się z Piotrem Beńke (IBM), Piotrem Biskupskim (IBM), Tomaszem Ćwikiem (finQbit) oraz Rafałem Prachtem (finQbit), aby porozmawiać o komputerach kwantowych.

📣Prezentacje będą prowadzone w języku angielskim. / 📣 Presentations will be conducted in English.


Event main theme: Quantum computing
Date: 16.05. (Tuesday)
Time: 6 pm - 8.30 pm
Venue: Warsaw (Norblin Factory, Żelazna Street 51/53) - we will send all directions and logistic hints to the registered people


6 pm - 6.10 pm - Opening
6.10 pm - 6.55 pm - Piotr Beńke (IBM) & Piotr Biskupski (IBM) - Quantum Computing at a glance
7 pm - 7.45 pm - Tomasz Ćwik (finQbit) & Rafał Pracht (finQbit) - Practical View on Quantum Computing
7.50 pm - Closing & networking


Presentation descriptions:

➡ Piotr Beńke (IBM) & Piotr Biskupski (IBM) - Quantum Computing at a glance

We will briefly introduce quantum computing, showing the difference from a classical computer. We will present how IBM is building an ecosystem around this technology and how you can try programming a quantum computer and sending a task to a physical machine today. Big industry players are already developing new quantum algorithms with IBM to build a competitive advantage. We will discuss a few use cases of quantum technologies and take a peek at the development and roadmap of quantum technology by IBM. We will also pay attention to the impact of this future-proof technology on today's activities, especially in the area of cybersecurity.

➡ Tomasz Ćwik (finQbit) & Rafał Pracht (finQbit) - Practical View on Quantum Computing

Why and how to start Quantum adventure 
Quantum Computers are still a distant imagination for most of the organizations. However there is an increasing number of challengers who don't waste time to start. Why do they do so? Have you thought about how to start your own journey with Quantum Computers? Do you wonder if it has any business usage or is still an illusion? During the presentation we will provide you with the practical insight how to start with Quantum Computing and how it may be used based on real-life examples. We will talk about how QC journey differs from other technologies, if it's easy to buy or use them and where are pitfalls to watch out for.

Example of QC in Finance industry
In the second part of the speech, we will show a detailed view of the Quantum Monte Carlo algorithm. We will start with an introduction to quantum computing, focusing on why this will be a breakthrough technology. Then we introduce the Monte Carlo method in finance and how we can harness the power of quantum computing to speed up the calculation. Next, a detailed description of the Quantum algorithm for pricing Options on gates-base quantum computers will be presented. In the last part of the speech, we focus on the impact of quantum computers on the demanding computational tasks in finance.


Meet the speakers:

Piotr Beńke - CTO and Tech Sales Leader at IBM for Poland, the Baltic States and Ukraine, responsible for promoting technology, building technological strategic directions, and developing technical teams. A graduate of the Poznań University of Technology and Warwick Business School. He has been associated with the IT industry for 27 years, building his experience in various positions and working with many sectors / industries. An active certified architect of IT solutions in infrastructure and integration. Before taking up his current position, he worked in many positions as the director of the IBM Systems department, led a technical sales support team and a team of architects, designed IT systems in Poland and abroad. Passionate about the latest information technologies and their application in everyday life. Actively develops technical communities at IBM as part of the team working at the IBM Academy of Technology, Academic and Quantum Ambassador.

Piotr Biskupski - One of the polish IBM Quantum Ambassadors - responsible for promoting knowledge and cooperation with clients in the implementation and commercial application of quantum computer technology. As an IBM Security Client Technical Professional, he helps integrate security services across the threat lifecycle. Thanks to this, organizations can protect critical assets, detect advanced threats and quickly respond to business disruptions. Since 2012, he has successfully cooperated with business partners and dispersed technical teams as a technical expert. Previously, for 17 years, he was associated with the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland), and his main interest and research hobby was nanotechnology and solid-state physics. A long-time coordinator of the IBM Academic Initiative and an enthusiast of open-source technologies. He promoted his IT experience for many years by organizing very popular lectures in computer technologies, including quantum computing, at many conferences in Poland and abroad. 

Rafał Pracht - is one of Poland's leading Quantum software engineers and researchers, which couples solid technical skills with finance engineering knowledge; recognized as the official one of the 360 IBM Qskit Advocates, the group of the finest minds in quantum computing worldwide. His research papers on quantum computing usage in finance available at SSRN presented two new cutting-edge quantum algorithms. He graduated in Applications of Quantum Computing at MIT xPRO and is also the panelist in the MIT Technology Review "Global Panel", an exclusive forum of thought leaders, innovators, and executives.

Tomasz Ćwik - is a passionate technologist, experienced IT executive, recognized as one of the worldwide quantum strategy leaders by the Quantum Insider. He has worked for over 16 years for international banks as well as for technological companies like HP, Volvo, BNP Paribas, Credit Agricole or DXC, leading multiple units including R&D. Tomek has practical experience in merging the newest technology to the business needs in multiple companies, starting Quantum projects as a first bank in our part of Europe, development of conversational AI team far before GPT-3 was so popular or co-creation of well known BLIK solution.

See you at the meeting!

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