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  AI in Medicine 2 | The Future of Cerebral Palsy Detection | Codete x Sano Meetup
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TECH MEETS MEDICINE: The Future of Cerebral Palsy Detection | Codete x Sano Meetup 馃

Get ready to be enthralled at the intersection of technology and medicine! 馃挕 Ever wondered how early detection of cerebral palsy can transform lives? Dive deep with us into the incredible med-tech world, especially the magic of machine learning, and explore how it's revolutionizing healthcare. 馃寪馃拪

馃棑 WHEN: 18.10.2023, 17:30
馃搷 WHERE: Techie's by Codete, Na Zje藕dzie 11 street, Krakow
馃棧 LANGUAGE: English
馃敆 SIGN UP for FREE - download your ticket on Evenea
(And hey, grab your complimentary beer on us! 馃嵑)

馃搶 Rosmary Blanco, Sano: The Importance of Early Diagnosis in Cerebral Palsy: How New Technologies Can Help
Dive into the world of early diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy & the groundbreaking technologies aiding this cause.
馃搶 Piotr Wawryka, Codete: Machine Learning in early Cerebral Palsy detection
Discover the marvels of Machine Learning in detecting early signs of Cerebral Palsy. Ever heard of the General Movements Assessment (GMA)? Learn how machine learning is setting new standards in this arena.

馃攳 Rosmary Blanco: A biotechnologist extraordinaire, Rosmary delves deep into the realms of neurology, neurosurgery, and neurorehabilitation. Explore the intricate connections between neuronal communication, cognition, and human behavior through her lens.
馃攳 Piotr Wawryka: With a stellar 8-year journey in data science and software engineering, Piotr's insights into generative AI and applied machine learning in medicine will not be missed!

馃 Connect with fellow tech enthusiasts! Join the Techies Space Group on Techie's Space (Krak贸w, Polska) | Meetup or dive deeper at

Can't wait to see the future unfold with you!

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