Techstars Startup Weekend Warsaw

15 Marca 2024, 17:00 (Piątek) - 17 Marca 2024, 19:30 (Niedziela)

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Sponsors and Partners



DevBrother is a team of experts in Software Engineering, specializing in the full cycle of product development and support.
DevBrother is a unique company because we are bringing a new generation of Remote Team Extension on the market - we've created one of the biggest Eastern-Europe Software Engineers Database and set up all necessary support for remote work with our clients - office spaces, recruiting, hiring, management, administrative, infrastructure, etc., based on partnership with Coworking Spaces. The result of this model is fast, qualified developers search and taking on board for the best prices on the market.

Prize Sponsors

Underline Ventures

Underline Ventures will offer chosen teams a consultation with their Investment Team. Underline Ventures is investing in pre-seed and seed startups with Eastern European founders building high-growth startups with global ambitions.

ff Venture Capital

ffVC is happy to arrange a consultation session between the winning team and their investment team.
ff Venture Capital (ffVC) is focused on investing in early-stage technology and technology-enabled companies, and has been since 2008.  


Softvoya is excited to offer selected startups a full suite of launch services through our Discovery Phase program. The first 3 winners will receive our designing services free of charge. Additionally, Softvoya will provide selected winners with coaching for pitch presentations, business idea evaluation, and introductions to investors.


69pixels. - product design and development studio, startup design partners and funders of their own. 69pixels offers 3 prizes for the top winning teams:
1st place - parsing and brainstorming on how to create/improve product concept and design.
2nd place - consulting on creation/improvement of the product concept and design.
3rd place - consultation on creation/improvement of product concept and design.

Local Partners

NextGen.PM Kozmiński Club

NextGen.PM Kozminski Club is a student organization that focuses on project management, new technologies, AI, and startups. We build an engaged, youthful community and create projects - merit and social events, conferences, and workshops.  Our goal is to meet our students' needs for social involvement and to feel like they can make a difference. We provide the tools and opportunities for them to take initiative, innovate, and lead projects. We create spaces where they can get hands-on experience by working as project managers, being part of project teams, or taking on different leadership roles in our organization.

Dodo Pizza

European Foundation for Entrepreneurship Development

The European Foundation for Entrepreneurship Development is a non-governmental organisation which, through the implementation of national and international projects and initiatives, changes the paradigm of entrepreneurship education, shapes social bonds and civic attitudes, and builds a positive image of Poland as an economic and social leader among the countries of the region. The Foundation focuses its activities in the Visegrad Group countries and the Three Seas Initiative.


Global Partners

Google for Startups

Google for Startups is Google's initiative to help your startup thrive, no matter where you live. As a participant of Startup Weekend, you are now part of the Google for Startups community, which gives you access to the best of Google. This includes Google products, connections, and best practices to help your startup grow.

Startup Weekend participants will have access to $300 in Google Cloud credits. Best practices, tools, and other Google resources for participants can also be found at will also have access to the free Google tools, Google Trends and Market Finder. These tools let founders see if there is a growing demand for their product and in which markets.For more information, feel free to check out this site: Please reach out to [email protected] if you have any questions. (After applying for the credits, participants should hear back from the Google team about whether the credits have been approved within 2-4 working days.)

GoDaddy Registry

GoDaddy Registry provides a domain name that many innovators and entrepreneurs all over the world use. As part of our partnership, each participant can register a free domain name with GoDaddy Registry (.co, .us, .biz). Read more here. Redemption codes will be given to participants by the organizing team.

Redemption code: SUWWRS24
  • 1 x free GoDaddy Registry domain, per person
  • Participants can redeem the code from:
For more information, visit GoDaddy Registry's site or reach out to [email protected].


Brex is an all-in-one financial stack, offering a founder-friendly corporate card, business account with FDIC insurance up to $6M and high yield through money market securities, expense management solution, and financial modeling software. Startups from incorporation to IPO use Brex to manage their finances.

Techstars Startup Weekend founders get 30,000 points after spending $1,000 on their Brex card, $5,000 AWS Credits, access to $150K in SaaS discounts, and Empower essential for free. Participants must open an account with Brex and apply for the offer. Participants must open an account with Brex and apply for the offer. Brex welcomes international founders and only requires US Incorporation and an EIN. See here for more details about the requirements.